The Hyperloop is a scam by Elon Musk to sell more cars
Elon Musk came up with the Hyperloop in 2013 to cancel the High-speed rail between Los Angeles and San Francisco
Even though the idea of Hyperloop has been around for more than a 100 years, it wasn’t until Elon Musk in 2013 flouted the idea as an alternative to present trains that people started paying attention again.
A Hyperloop is basically a pneumatic tube system that suck out all air to create vacuum tubes supported on pylons above ground large enough for pods carrying up to 28 people at subsonic speeds between major cities. The idea is that such a system could reach speeds up to 1000km/h and create connections between cities lightyears faster than what’s out there today.
The problem?
Countless of researchers have always said such a system is impossible to build due to the complexity of creating a vacuum on such a large scale…
Turns out, Elon knew this was impossible too and used the idea as a tactic for his home-state at the time, California, to cancel its High-Speed Rail project…

At the time, Elon Musk knew that California’s planned High-speed Rail would be superior to any other mode of transit to get from Los Angeles to San Francisco and was hence afraid that it would take away trips from cars (presumably Tesla cars) in favor of trains:
The saddest thing of all is that it worked…
Countless of billions of dollars have been spent by not only private citizens, but governments on taxpayers behalf to create feasibility studies for Hyperloop projects and even build prototypes for the technology (that were doomed from the start mind you)…
Perhaps the most famous person in this impossible race to create the first hyperloop is the billionaire Richard Branson who funded billions of dollars into the startup Hyperloop Technologies (renamed into Virgin Hyperloop Technologies) to speed up their hyperloop project. 10 years later, the company has managed to produce a barely working prototype that runs for less than one kilometer, and earlier this year, the company basically declared that its mission had failed and that they are trying to use their technology to improve freight transport (with zero progress so far).
To end this short piece, I want to give you a quote from the man who found out about Elon Musk’s fraudulent ideas, Paris Marx:
“For years, Elon Musk sold us fantasies to distract from the reality of the future he’s trying to build, and to get people to accept his growing belligerence. What we really need right now is not more cars, colonization dreams, and techno-kings, but a collective project to improve the lives of billions of people around the world while taking on the immediate challenges we face regardless of whether it generates corporate profits. That’s something Elon Musk can never deliver.”
Oh damn, did the HSR project get cancelled?